Break Away Fan – Stainless Steel

This classic prop can be used to obtain many comedy effects and gives the performer an item to use in an audience participation act. The performer produces a fan and proceeds to fan some item, explaining that it must be fanned in order to operate properly. He then hands the fan to the “victim” selected … Read more

Evaporated Milk Bottle

evaporated milk bottle

The Evaporated Milk Bottle is a utility prop you can use in many different ways. Although similar in function to glasses and jugs that produce a similar effect, the construction of the prop in the form of a regular milk bottle (3″ diameter, 8.5″ high) makes this seem like an ordinary every day object, least … Read more

Rabbit Puppet

An audience expects every magician worth his name to produce a Rabbit, and if he is true to tradition, the rabbit must magically materialize from his empty Top Hat ! Caring for and feeding a real rabbit, circumventing the laws for using animals in a performance, transporting a pet by rail or plane make this … Read more

Spike Through Tongue – Extra

The performer pushes a solid steel spike through his tongue. After the spike has penetrated, the tongue is displayed with the spike going through it in a most convincing manner. Finally the Spike is removed, and the tongue is totally unharmed, with no holes, or blood.  This is similar to the Nail Through Finger gag, … Read more

Just Chance Envelopes #3

This is an utility prop you can use in various ways. You can perform some good mental effects with this, using one, two or all three envelopes. You get three window envelopes. On the back of these envelopes are printed spots of different colors, – Red, Green and Yellow. Inside each window envelope is a … Read more

Mirror Wine Glass

The Mirror Glass is one of the most useful pieces of magical apparatus. It comprises of a clear tumbler, with a mirror partition. This model is in the form of a crystal Wine Glass, an attractive and seemingly innocent accessory. The wine glass design makes the switch possible by just twirling the stem between your … Read more