Prediction Book

Picture this: as you flip through the pages of the PREDICTION BOOK, a hand magically appears and grabs the exact item the spectator is thinking of! It’s a truly astonishing moment. No one will expect an animated hand to pick up the object they had in mind just seconds earlier. There’s no setup, no forcing, … Read more

Invisible Thread Loops # 8 – Deluxe

If you want to do some “real magic”, then there has not been a finer magician’s gimmick in the last decade than the Elastic Invisible Thread Loop. It is one of the most practical of all invisible thread “systems” – you can wear it all day, and are ready to perform any time, any place, for any … Read more

Animated Drink

Animated Drink

This is a novel Animated Picture effect. Performer displays a picture of a glass. Performer waves his hand over it and it instantly fills with drink. The drink is yellowish – orange in color and can be used to describe Orange Juice, Ginger Ale or Tea for kids shows or even beer for an older … Read more

Invisible Thread Loops # 5 – Deluxe

This  is a superior model of our Dream String and will last much longer. If you want to do some “real magic”, then there has not been a finer magician’s gimmick in the last decade than the Elastic Invisible Thread Loop. It is one of the most practical of all invisible thread “systems” – you can wear … Read more

Invisible Thread # 3

Invisible Thread # 3

We have had several requests from magicians for Invisible Thread. This thread is really invisible, in that it cannot be seen even at a few inches distance against an appropriate background. Invisible Thread is used in floating effects like the famous Floating and Dancing Cork, Floating Bill, Wonder Bar etc. All these are animation effects, … Read more

Invisible Thread # 5


  We have had several requests from magicians for Invisible Thread. This thread is really invisible, in that it cannot be seen even at a few inches distance against an appropriate background. Invisible Thread is used in floating effects like the famous Floating and Dancing Cork, Floating Bill, Wonder Bar etc. All these are animation … Read more