Magic By Gosh – Patrick Page & Albert Goshman

Hard Bound, 149 pages with 137 illustrations. This Book contains a complete “Act” – all the effects with patter that made Albert Goshman world famous. In addition, there are more effects with coins, cards, sponge balls etc. A must for close – up magicians.   

Magical Mentalia and Magical Originalia – G.E.Arrowsmith

This soft bound 67- page book with 22 plus drawings is divided into two sections. The first section ‘Magical Mentalia’ contains “not so difficult”  mental magic with almost ordinary articles plus some miscellaneous magic. The second part ‘Magical Originalia’ is a sequel to the first part  that explains some original effects of the author.  This … Read more

Reel Magic – Albenice.

The “reel” is one of the prime secrets of incredible animation effects. In this 83 page book the author has clearly explained tricks with the Reel, which you can easily perform. Seven chapters and 27 tricks which are all practical and visually appealing.


Seven big chapters of new and inventive card tricks make this fine book a perfect addition to your collection. Some of the chapters are: Impromptu Routines, Card Tricks that Require Some Preparation, Handling the Classics, and Tricks Using the Four Aces, among others.

Hugard’s Magic Monthly (7 Volumes 1-21)

A set of seven large hard bound books with over 2850 pages and 1000s of  illustrations. This hard –to-find, complete set of magazines in one of magic’s greatest.  Edited by one of magic’s most knowledgeable men, Jean Hugard, author of “Modern Magic Manual” and dozens of other texts. For 22 years “Magic Monthly” published the … Read more