Coloring Book – Animal (Medium & Mini)

Coloring Books are very popular with all children’s performers, and they are always asking for another one, for repeat performances.

We have produced various sizes and models to supplement the dozens of others made by various dealers around the world. We have now added two more varieties to our range.

These books are Medium (8.5″ x 5.75″ approx) and Mini (5.75″ x 3.75″ approx)  in size, and in two different themes. One depicts various animals while the other has cartoon pictures of various circus animals and circus tricks.

Please specify which design you require, when placing an order. Better still get both for different occasions !

The Effect, in case you are not familiar with this is as follows. The performer displays a children’s magic coloring book with black and white pictures – the kind you just paint over with water, and the pictures magically appear. The children are asked to try and color the pictures by real magic, using their imagination, instead of water. They are told to rub their fingers on the colors on their clothes, and “throw the colors” at the book. When the book is now displayed, all the pictures have been fully colored. The performer congratulates the audience on their magic abilities, and excellent artistic talents. 

However, he states he has to perform the same trick again for another show the next day, and since they have colored all the pictures, there will be no pictures left for the children to color at his next performance. He asks his audience to help him erase some of  the colors with imaginary “magic” erasers. The children pantomime rubbing off the colors, and when the book is flipped through again, it is found to be entirely blank. Obviously they used too much magic. 

The performer requests them to draw some of the pictures with imaginary pencils. When the book is again flipped through, the black and white pictures are back in the book, “ready for the next performance”.