Magic Hat Paper Tears

Two pieces of different colored tissue paper are placed together and torn into several smaller pieces. The torn pieces are crumpled together, and when opened out have transformed into a beautiful hat, which you present to your assistant. The hats supplied are in six different varieties .  Clown Hat, Bonnet Hat, Santa Hat, The Wizard … Read more

Change Bag – One Hand (Set) FT

We make a wide variety of Change Bags, which enable you to produce, vanish or change any items that will fit into the bag. This is a new model with a plastic handle and comes in two colors (red and black) and enables you to do the change with one hand. Also supplied along with … Read more

Rope Magic Set – FT

This rope magic set comes to you complete with 24 feet of rope, A special metal ring and a book with 42 effects This  book, with 48 printed pages and 193 illustrations, contains step-by-step instructions for 42 of the best tricks you can perform with Rope, including Appearing and Vanishing Knots, Cut and Restored Rope … Read more

Professor’s Nightmare

Performer shows three separate pieces of rope each of a different size. There is a very short piece, a medium size piece, and a long piece. The performer folds the three pieces and when the ropes are opened out again all three pieces are seen to be of  the same size. A perfect illusion. If … Read more

Ball and Vase Set (Plastic)

The ball and vase is a very old classic trick. A ball is removed from the vase and put in the magician’s pocket. It then reappears in the vase and and then vanishes again and reappears back into the pocket.  We supply a plastic ball and vase 4 inches in height, 1.8 inches in diameter … Read more

Cups and Balls Set (Plastic)

The Cups and Balls are possibly the oldest surviving Magic effect, having been used by magicians over the centuries. Balls magically appear and vanish from under three cups, jump from under one cup to the other, change colors, or transform to onions, fruit, or even baby chicks. It is an effect you can perform for a … Read more