Wholesale Magic Shop for Magicians, Dealers and Distributors
Clear Coin Vanish
A coin, trapped between clear pieces of plastic, secured with rubber bands, disappears without a trace.
A convincing and clean vanish that requires very little effort.
The banded plates containing the coin are wrapped in a handkerchief and given to a spectator to hold.
The coin vanishes and can reappear inside a knot tied in another handkerchief, or elsewhere A useful prop for any effect requiring the vanish of a coin.
The Coin Production Hank is the original creation of Magician Goutam Guha and has been marketed by us for over twenty years. The original model comprised of two cotton handkerchiefs stitched together in a very special manner. The prop resembled a common handkerchief, but the stitching of the pockets was…
The performer drops a borrowed and marked coin into a small wooden box. The box is wrapped in a handkerchief, and given to a spectator to hold. The spectator can hear his coin rattling inside the box, proving the coin is still there. With a snap of his fingers, performer…
The glass where a coin dropped in the glass can be secretly and instantly extracted is an old and standard magic prop. This is an opaque stainless steel version of the prop, (unbreakable, and maintenance free !) that will enable you to perform a novel Miser's Dream effect, or vanish…