Wholesale Magic Shop for Magicians, Dealers and Distributors
Multi-Color Rope Link
The magician shows three pieces of rope of three different colors – say Red, Yellow and Green. He ties these ropes into three separate rings, colored Red, Yellow and Green respectively. When the three rings are tossed into the air, they are found to be linked into one huge ring of three different colors.
Available in an economy model, made from ordinary rope, and a Deluxe Cotton Rope Model, with an extra thick and soft cotton rope.
This is a simple but effective routine of the Monkey Bar variety, by Ian Adair, performed with a length of rope, (which you can carry in your pocket, yet use for a large audience), and which requires no skill other than a suitable presentation. In effect the magician displays a…
Special soft plaited colored cotton rope 50 feet long and 1/4 inch diameter for all your rope tricks. If you perform rope tricks, and want the right type of rope for all your effects, we have it, custom made for you. Available in RED, GREEN, DARK BLUE, YELLOW AND LIGHT…
Magician shows three different colored ropes (Red, Blue & Green) and calls two spectators onto the stage. He gives each a color rope of his choice. Magician asks the spectators to tie each one in a circle with a genuine knot and he too does the same with his piece…