Tarbell Color Changing Silk – 14″

This is the classic color changing handkerchief. A silk handkerchief when passed through the hand changes color. This can be repeated by turning the color back to the original, and back again, as often as you wish. Made of good quality pure silk, these handkerchiefs are approx. 14 inches square.

P.K.M.B. Nail

This is an amazing demonstration of “mind over metal”, as made famous by Uri Geller. PKMB or “psycho kinetic metal bending” became a subject of scientific study after Geller’s amazing demonstrations in 1972, and in this effect the phenomenon is demonstrated using a solid 1/4″ diameter iron nail, some 5″ long. The nail is cushioned … Read more

Airborne Glass – Bottle Model

This is an amazing, visual, and very off beat magic effect. At any time during his show the performer picks up a bottle of Coke, Pepsi, or his favorite soda, and an empty clear glass. He begins to pour the drink into the glass, and at some point accidentally leaves the glass in mid air, … Read more

Production Flower Bouquet # 8 (Pair)

These are production bouquets of eight large flowers made in a combination of feather leaves and cloth petals. We supply two different colored bouquets in each pair, one for each hand, – or “mix” them together, to produce an extra large multi color bouquet.  Ideally  these bouquets are produced from thin air after showing your … Read more

Multi Change Rip Apart Bag

  This a Flat Rip Apart Change Bag which will enable you to perform more than one change. The rip apart change bag is a most convincing prop. An item is placed in a flat bag, which is then ‘torn open flat’. The item placed in the bag “flies out”, and is seen to have … Read more

Control Reel – Mini

We have three models of Reels in our range, each suitable for a particular type of action. We have now produced a Control Reel, which is ideal for slow motion animation effects. A classic example of this is the Serpentine Silk effect, where a knot is tied in a large handkerchief, and the knot visibly … Read more