Water of India – Wonder

This is a miniature version of the Lota Bowl, made in plastic. Being a miniature version, the amount of water is a small trickle, (perhaps ideal to pour on to a spectator’s cupped palm), but you can repeat this effect many, many, many times, much more often than you could with the standard Lota Bowl. … Read more

Finger Mouse Puppet

A cute mouse that seems to come alive. Partly cover the mouse with the other hand, and the mouse appears to scamper out. Stroke the mouse with the other hand, and it seems to wriggle out. Move the hands up over the body, and the mouse seems to crawl up the body. Practice the simple … Read more

Flower Spray From Wand in Pot – Synthetic Flowers

A larger stage deluxe version of the very popular Flower from Wand in Pot. Performer displays an empty Flower Pot. He taps this with his Magic Wand, and instantly a large spray of flowers appears in the Pot. We supply you the Flower Pot (4.75 inches in diameter) , Wand (12 inches) and Flower Spray … Read more

Valentine’s Rose

Magician displays a white rose on a long stem and presents it to his beautiful assistant or “valentine” She is not impressed, so he cuts the white rose off and throws it away, but it miraculously re-appears on the stem. She is still not impressed, so he cuts the white rose off again and throws … Read more

Catch Out

Using a magic hand, the magician miraculously grabs the spectators chosen card from a deck tossed into the air The performer displays a pack of cards.  A card is selected by a member of the audience, and shuffled back into the pack. The pack is held by a spectator. Performer displays a plastic hand. Spectator … Read more

Sparkling Fire Gimmicks (Pair)

These are Gimmicks designed to add a dramatic flash to your magic routines. The next time you cut and restore a rope, or fuse torn pieces of paper into the complete piece, or cause the torn corner of a card to weld to the original card, you can have this happen with a dramatic flash … Read more