Enchanted Necklace

This is a visual effect, which can also be presented to an interesting story line. The performer displays several large loose beads, which can be examined.  These are dropped one at a time into a clear cylinder, which can also be examined.  Performer makes a magic pass, and tosses the beads out of the tube, … Read more

Flower Bouquet Blooming Vase – 3D

A Bouquet of 3 Dimensional flowers magically appear on the picture of a bare stemmed Flower Vase. Magician displays a board with a picture of a flower vase with some bare stems. He says a flower vase only looks beautiful with flowers. He spins the board around in his hand making a magical gesture and … Read more

Egg Bag – Regular

Effect :- A solid egg is shown and is inserted into the bag. The egg can be made to vanish and re-appear at will, even though the bag is turned inside out, and shown empty.  A true classic item, and one of the favorites, that has survived over many many decades. A magic prop that … Read more

Chop Cup Combo Outfit – Aluminum

Chop Cup Combo Aluminum

The Chop Cup Combo outfit is a set of  three seamless spun aluminum cups for the close-up magician.  The Chop Cup allows you to perform many Cups and Balls type routines, using a single cup, where balls magically penetrate, appear under, or vanish from a cup. It has a mechanical feature, which in combination with … Read more

Lota Bowl – Aluminum

Lota Bowl

Performer shows a pot or bowl, which is apparently full of water. All the water is poured out, the Bowl being turned completely over and the last drop drained out. The Bowl is placed in full view of the audience. A few minutes later the Bowl is picked up again, and is once again full … Read more

Diminishing Milk

diminishing milk

This is an old effect and visual magic with liquids. On the magician’s table are four clear transparent tumblers in four varied sizes. Each tumbler is approximately twice as large as the previous one. Some milk is poured into the largest tumbler and filled to the brim. The content of this largest tumbler is emptied … Read more