Transposing Cards

transposing cards

For those that like packet card tricks, this is a novel effect with four cards.  The performer displays four cards of the same value, and four different suits, – say the six of Spades, Hearts, Clubs and Diamonds. Two cards of the same color are clearly shown, (say red), and placed in performer’s pocket, while … Read more

Karate Cards

Effect : A card is selected from a deck and placed face up on top of the deck. It is now covered by another card with two holes that permit the audience to see the index pips of the card beneath. The performer now “chops” the card with a Karate Chop, then slides the top half … Read more

Bill Appear

Performer displays a clear envelope. Two playing cards are shown on both sides and placed, one behind and one above the transparent envelope. The performer now reaches into the clear envelope and removes a folded currency bill (any denomination bill you wish) which has magically appeared inside the transparent envelope. The cards, envelope and bill … Read more

Jumbo Selected Card Across

Jumbo Selected Card Across

The Card Across is an old effect that is known to most magicians and many versions are available in books and magazines. In this effect, the magician counts two packets of five cards and requests a spectator to select one of the packets. The person next chooses any one card in the packet. With the … Read more

Electric Deck

electric deck

This is a special pack of cards, which allows you to perform fancy card flourishes, with much greater ease and far less practice, than if they were performed with a normal pack. It allows you to give an impression of much greater skill than you really possess. Some performers prefer to present this in a … Read more

Cloning King – Jumbo

Cloning King Jumbo

A new and amazing Jumbo Find The King Effect. The Magician fans out 3 cards, two of which are Ten of Clubs and 1 King of Hearts. The magician shuffles the cards and asks the spectator to find the King. The spectator fails, as the 3 cards in the magician’s hands are all Tens. Magician … Read more