Thumb Tip Synthetic Silks #12

We have many requests for small low priced Thumb Tip silks. We have produced a large lot of these “silks” in a synthetic silken material at a very low price. Each packet has a dozen silks (3 each in 4 different colors) and comes at a very low price (what you would normally pay for … Read more

Super Obedient Cubio

super obedient cubio

NEW ! This starts like the popular Obedient Ball or Cube but finishes with an added surprise twist. A large wooden cube threaded on a string falls freely when the string is held vertically. And it stops whenever the performer or a spectator commands it to “STOP”, then falls again when commanded to “GO” But … Read more

Stripes Blow Blendo


This is a very direct and effective “Blendo” routine. Two small silks, one colored red and one white are clearly shown, and tucked into a metal tube. The performer blows through the tube, and a large red and white striped silk flies out, then floats gently down. The silk is caught and can be freely … Read more

Color Changing Rabbit

This is a compact version of the famous Hippity Hop Rabbit children’s effect. The performer shows a Gray cut out Rabbit under a rectangular cover, with a picture of a Hat. The gray rabbit is covered and after some by-play is found to have changed to a Brown Rabbit when the cover is lifted. This … Read more

Super Cup (with DVD)

NEW! This is a totally new type of “Chop Cup” that does not use the traditional Chop Cup method. Although the effect is similar to that performed with a chop cup, where a ball magically vanishes or appears under a cup, you can turn the cup and show the audience there is no ball in … Read more

Magic Safari

NEW ! This is an offbeat mental effect where the magician apparently reads the mind of a spectator. The magician shows 9 different animal picture cards and asks a person from the audience to shuffle the cards. He takes back the cards and with their faces towards the audience the magician displays the animal cards … Read more