This is a fine quality 36″ silk with a Magician’s picture in full color on a blue background.
The picture conveys the message with no words, allowing this to be used for any audience anywhere in the world, regardless of the language they speak or read ! The large 36″ size makes this a big production for any stage, yet the fine silk can be compacted into a small bundle and concealed in a very small space.
The picture is “vague”, and can be used as a WELCOME Silk at the beginning of a show, or a GOOD NIGHT, GOOD BYE or THE END silk at the end of your act. You could also use this at any point of your act as an APPLAUSE PLEASE silk, – a cue for applause !
Suggested uses – The production could be a bare hand one, or from any production prop. You can produce this from any standard production item like the Mirror Box, Drawer Box, Square & Circle Production Outfit, Jap Box, Wonder Box, Temple Screen, Ghost Tube, Production Mat, Production Cone, Organ Pipes, Pro-Van Cabinet, Change Bag, and many similar props.
You will find many methods for the bare hand production of a silk in standard magic text books.
You could also improvise by producing this from a hollow magic wand, or just whip it out of your pocket, and spread it between your hands as you say “Good Night” or whatever. (₹ 450.00) ( ₹ 225.00)