See Through Production Screen

A three panel production screen, where the centers swivel out, allowing the audience to see right through. Screen is formed into a triangle, and three complete different loads can be produced, like flowers and silks, then a glass of real milk, and finally a real dove.

See Through Tip Over Box

This is an extremely effective visual vanish for live stock such as Doves, a small rabbit etc. A special feature of this model is a cut out with a see through window in front, so that the live stock is visible up to the last moment, even after it is placed in the box. The … Read more

Drawer Box – Wood (8″ x 5″ x 4″)

Drawer Box Small Wood

The Drawer Box is one of the oldest production props ever devised and has survived over the decades, because of it’s simplicity, and ease of operation. It is one of the very few production props capable of holding a load almost as large as the visible prop. Drawer Boxes come in all shapes and sizes, … Read more

Topi Flasher Gimmick

This is a Gimmick designed to add a dramatic flash to your magic routines. The next time you cut and restore a rope, or fuse torn pieces of paper into the complete piece, or cause the torn corner of a card to weld to the original card, you can have this happen with a dramatic … Read more

Multicolor Rope Fusion

A quick but effective trick that can be performed at any time during your show, on stage or close up.  The performer displays three lengths of rope of different colors in his hand. He tosses the ropes into the air and they instantly fuse together to form a large multicolor ring 8 feet in circumference. … Read more

Himber Wallet – (Deluxe Real Leather Model)

Himber Wallet

The Himber Wallet is a change device for flat card and paper items, like currency notes or bills, playing or visiting cards, pay envelopes, paper slips  and the like. Which is an understatement, like saying “The Rolls Royce is just an automobile” or “David Copperfield is just a magician”.  The Himber wallet is far superior … Read more