Flowers from Flatland

” A one dimensional line, or a two dimensional plane (with length and width, but no height) has no real existence. A three dimensional solid, like a cube, with length, breadth and height can exist.  It is possible to create the illusion of a three dimensional object like a cube, by a two dimensional drawing.  … Read more

Golden Change Bag (regular & with zipper)

Change Bag - Golden Regular handle

The Change Bag, as the name implies, is a prop used by magicians to change one item to another. It can also be used to Vanish or Produce items. There are many varieties of Change Bags. We have several varieties of these in our range. This is a regular change bag with a golden handle. … Read more

Locking Finger Chopper

A clever trick very popular as the spectators always expect the magic to go wrong. The blade cuts the cigarette, but passes magically through a finger . This model of the Finger Chopper has a unique locking mechanism and stands thorough examination. We have shown in to dozens of knowledgeable magicians, and they have not … Read more

Aqua Change Vase (Water To Garland)

Aqua Change Vase Magic

This is a handy utility prop, which enables you to transform a liquid into an entirely different solid item. The performer displays a fancy “Vase”, which is shown to be empty. A glass of clear water (or any other liquid) is poured into the vase. This is now covered with an empty cylinder which the … Read more

Handkerchief Pedestal – Deluxe

The Handkerchief Pedestal is a classic prop for the production of a handkerchief in a clear glass tumbler. The effect can be found detailed in many magic text books. We have now produced a deluxe version of this utility prop, made in spun metal, and powder coated to give you a life long scratch free … Read more