Haunted Hanky (FT)

An ordinary Pocket Handkerchief is freely displayed. It is folded and placed on the table and magically becomes animated, as if a ghost were trapped under it.  The handkerchief jumps up and down, in an uncanny manner. Then the ghost vanishes, and the handkerchief is opened to show there is nothing in it – its … Read more

Rainbow Deck (FT)

Rainbow deck

The magician displays a deck of cards.  The cards are different from a normal deck, because all the backs are different. Magician removes two cards from the deck placing them face up on the table.  Two spectators introduce the cards into the deck at positions they select. The magician removes the face up cards and … Read more

Bandit Ball (FT)

The magician shows a small ball, and a transparent plastic box with lid, closed by a rubber band. The magician rests the ball on his open palm and taps the ball with the box. The ball visibly penetrates right into the box. The box is now given to the spectator to examine. Easy to do, … Read more

Amazing Silk Vanish (FT)

A silk handkerchief is pushed into the empty fist. The hand is then opened to show the hanky has vanished! Alternately a silk hanky can be produced from the empty hand. Supplied complete with a silk hanky, the special gimmick (for 101 magic uses) and instructions.

Isolation Card Change (FT)

A card is selected. A miniature prediction card sandwiched between two transparent plastic sheets is displayed, but does not match the selection. Instantly the wrong card changes to the selected one. Easy to do, and complete with instructions.

Houdini Beads (FT)

Three beads are threaded on two cords. A knot is tied, trapping the beads on the cords. A spectator holds the ends of the cords, yet the beads escape from the cords. Everything can be examined.  With large beads in various colors, 1″ in dia. (approx.), cords, and instructions.