Mysterious Cup

An ordinary looking plastic cup with magical properties. Magician takes out a small plastic cup and fills it with water. He pours out the contents into another glass and shows the cup is now empty by tilting it over. A few magic words and cup again has water in it, which he proceeds to pour … Read more

Lantern Ball Outfit

The Lantern Ball is a very old item, and one of the few purely mechanical items performed by street magicians and ‘Jadoowallahs’ through the decades. It’s popularity can be attributed to the very strong visual effect of the item, and the fact that it can be performed surrounded, under all conditions.  Effect: The performer displays … Read more

Torch to Bouquet

The magician walks on stage holding a burning torch. He covers it with a tube and magically the torch vanishes and a beautiful bouquet appears in his hand. The Transformation is safe and automatic. Made with long lasting cock feathers for added durability. As with any fire effect, this requires care in use, and is … Read more

Cups & Balls – Wood

The Cups and Balls are possibly the oldest surviving Magic effect, having been used by magicians over the centuries. Balls magically appear and vanish from under three cups, jump from under one cup to the other, change colors, or transform to onions, fruit, or even baby chicks. It is an effect you can perform for … Read more