Headless Lady Illusion

This illusion works on an ingenious geometric vanish, based on the Curry Paradox. It always works, but can you figure out how ? You have a picture of a dancing girl printed in Black & White on one side of the board, and an identical picture in the same size, printed in colour on the … Read more

Adair’s “A Queen Like No Other”

The Parade of Kings, (or our version titled Dream Queen) has been one of the finest and most popular 4 card packet effects ever created. Now Ian Adair has come up with another variation – A super-duper self-contained packet trick which runs as follows: A plastic pocket containing a set of four cards is shown … Read more

ESP Marked Deck – Colored

The standard ESP deck with the five Zener Designs is a magician’s dream with some amazing demonstrations possible of apparent Clairvoyance, Precognition, ESP, Parapsychology, secondsight, Telepathy, or other Psychic demonstrations. We have now produced a deck of Poker Sized ESP Cards which are so subtly marked on the backs, that no one can tell their … Read more

ESP Marked Deck – Black

The standard ESP deck with the five Zener Designs is a magician’s dream with some amazing demonstrations possible of apparent Clairvoyance, Precognition, ESP, Parapsychology, secondsight, Telepathy, or other Psychic demonstrations. We have now produced a Poker sized deck of ESP Cards which are so subtly marked on the backs, that no one can tell their … Read more

Bill Change Box – Magnetic

The Bill Change Box is one of the classic utility props, with a host of applications. As the name suggests it is a box for changing a currency note and can be equally effective to change a business card, playing cards, messages or envelopes etc. This model is beautuflly made from perspex and is magnetic. … Read more