Chinese Fan – Large

This fan has green and black stripes on a yellow background running vertically along it’s length. The fan is displayed freely on both sides. Close the fan then open it again, and it displays the green and black stripes now running horizontally along the circumference of the fan on both sides. Automatic in working, with … Read more

Die To Silk Transformation

Die to Silk Transformation

A wonderful transformation of a Large Die to a Silk.  The performer displays an attractive wood cover on a base and a large Die with black spots. He also displays a frame with large openings. The Die is shown all around and then placed on the base. It is covered with the Frame which acts … Read more

Foo Can – Deluxe Spun

foo can dlx

The Foo Can is a utility device which can do with liquids, what a change bag can do with solids.  You can use this to vanish a quantity of  liquid, or produce a quantity of liquid, or even change one liquid into another, for example water into wine, or water into milk etc. We produce … Read more

Coca-Cola Bottle Vanish

Coca Cola Bottle Vanish

A Coca-Cola Bottle full of liquid is displayed. The magician claims he will make it disappear. The bottle is covered with a piece of “paper” rolled into a cylinder. Since the cylinder is only half the height of the bottle; the audiences can clearly see the lower half of the bottle. Everything is covered with … Read more

Square Circle Production – Mini

Square Circle Production Mini

One of the most effective production props of all times, you can use this as an opener, and virtually fill a stage with the things you produce from “thin air”. Performer displays a tube, which the audience can see right through. He first produces silks, flowers, ribbons etc. from the empty tube. The tube is … Read more

Drop Change Cube

Performer shows an unsolved Rubik’s Cube and narrates about how it is one of the most common but also hardest puzzles to solve. He drops this onto a board. It instantly transforms into a Solved Rubik’s Cube which can be given out for examination. It is a real Rubik’s Cube. You can also transform it … Read more