
Performer shows two small packets of cards, one RED back and the other, BLUE back. Spectator is asked to mentally select one of the black 4’s from the blue pile and one of the red 4’s from the red pile. When the performer spreads the two piles, the two face up cards are just the … Read more

Two Card Monte

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FUN WAY TO ENTERTAIN OTHERS? Look no further than the Two Card Monte trick! Two playing cards are shown. A card selected by the audience is placed behind your back. It mysteriously changes place with a card in plain sight of the audience. Or show your spectator two playing cards. … Read more

Glass Card Deck

An Ambitious Card type of effect with an offbeat climax. Spectator takes a card from a deck and signs it. Performer pushes the signed card into the middle of the deck. The card magically jumps to the top of the deck. This is repeated again and again and finally for a climax the entire deck … Read more

Adair’s “A Queen Like No Other”

The Parade of Kings, (or our version titled Dream Queen) has been one of the finest and most popular 4 card packet effects ever created. Now Ian Adair has come up with another variation – A super-duper self-contained packet trick which runs as follows: A plastic pocket containing a set of four cards is shown … Read more

ESP Marked Deck – Colored

The standard ESP deck with the five Zener Designs is a magician’s dream with some amazing demonstrations possible of apparent Clairvoyance, Precognition, ESP, Parapsychology, secondsight, Telepathy, or other Psychic demonstrations. We have now produced a deck of Poker Sized ESP Cards which are so subtly marked on the backs, that no one can tell their … Read more

ESP Marked Deck – Black

The standard ESP deck with the five Zener Designs is a magician’s dream with some amazing demonstrations possible of apparent Clairvoyance, Precognition, ESP, Parapsychology, secondsight, Telepathy, or other Psychic demonstrations. We have now produced a Poker sized deck of ESP Cards which are so subtly marked on the backs, that no one can tell their … Read more