Wonder Bar – Mini

The performer displays a test tube in his hand, which has been closed with a cork. Inside the tube rests a solid silver bar. With a gesture from the performer, the silver bar begins to bob up and down inside the closed tube, banging against the cork. Eventually, the bar pops the cork off of … Read more

Date Cards

Your age changes every year, but the year you were born stays the same through your lifetime, and for all the years that follow. This is a set of six cards each with a range of 60 “random” dates from 1901 to 2023. Using these cards you can divine a spectator’s year of birth, or the year they got … Read more

A Total Prediction

This is a simple effect which you can carry in your pocket and perform at any time and any place for any audience. No preparation or set up, no forces or multiple outs, you will get a kick out of the very clever method used. Effect : the performer displays five cards with random numbers between 1 … Read more

Super Silver Sphere Combo

A new deluxe model 1.5 inches in diameter and made from heavy guage stainless steel. there are no joints or holes visible like in earlier stainless steel and brass models. The apparatus supplied with the Silver Sphere Combo consists of three full balls, one hollow ball with a hole in it, and one half shell. … Read more

Instant Puzzle Cube

The performer displays an attractive box and a scrambled Rubik’s cube . The cube is shown all around and then placed inside the box. The cover is then placed over the box. When the cover is lifted again,  the cube is completely solved. The box and cover can also be shown empty. In place of … Read more

Multiplying Juice Bottles # 10

  An exciting twist on a classic magic trick – now made with juice bottles! Perfect for captivating a wide audience, especially kids’ shows, this updated version of the famous “Bottle and Glass” trick is not only entertaining but also “kid” friendly. Watch in amazement as the magician performs the classic “Bottle and Glass” trick, … Read more