Flower to Bouquet

A quick, simple but very effective magic trick. The performer displays a flower and an empty tube. He passes the flower through the tube to confirm it’s empty. He mutters a few magic words and passes the flower through the tube again. This time it changes into a large bouquet. Made from cock feathers and … Read more

Flower Wallet (With Flowers)

The performer displays a simple “wallet” or 2 panel folder made of board. He shows the wallet empty, closes it, then opens it again, and two large (spring) flowers appear when the wallet is opened again. The flowers are removed, the wallet closed, and when opened again another two flowers of a different color appear. … Read more

Flowers from Wand in Pot – New

Flower from Wand - New Model

A small, easy to carry (you could carry this in your pocket) visual effect, that makes a big impact. Performer displays a small, empty Flower Pot.  He taps this with his Magic Wand, and instantly a small spray of flowers appears in the Pot. We supply you the small Flower Pot, Wand and Flower Spray. … Read more

Drooping Flower

Drooping Flower

The comedy drooping flower is a very versatile prop and is sure to fit someplace in just about any magician’s routine. The flower can be made to droop in any direction. For example, it can bend towards a lady who is asked to smell it, and bend away when the magi tries. The Drooping Flower … Read more

Cane Plumes

Cane Plumes

If you own a Vanishing Cane and are tired of doing the same old thing with it – this is all you need! Cane Plumes are three large multi color feather plumes that appear when your cane vanishes! This climax is far more dramatic than ending with a small silk or nothing at all. Visible … Read more

Cloth Sleeve Bouquet # 10

Cloth Sleeve Bouquet # 10

This is a production bouquet of ten large cloth flowers. Ideally these bouquets are produced from thin air after showing your hands empty, (actually from up your sleeves). They could also be produced from any production prop, like a Mirror Box, Square Circle Production Outfit, Large Ghost Tube etc.