Fool Monte 3 Card Trick – Ian Adair

Here’s an unusual three card monte or “find the Queen” routine. The performer displays three separate cards, blank on all sides. He arranges them into a fan. He asks a spectator to imagine this is the famous Three Card Trick, rather like Find the Lady, without the pictorial images. Pointing to the centre card, he … Read more

See Thru Card Penetration – Ian Adair

A clear acetate folder is shown and a spectator is asked to feel the center to make sure it has no openings.  The folder is folded in half. A playing card (any card) is placed between both sections of the folder and then pushed downwards.  The spectators clearly see the card penetrating right through the … Read more

Odd One Out – Ian Adair

Effect: The performer displays the backs of ten playing cards and mixes them up. He tells a spectator that he will pick one of the ten cards, and this will act as a ‘prediction’. This is done, a face down card being withdrawn from the fan and placed in full view. Now the spectator is … Read more

Adair’s Traffic Light Chips

This is an effect by Ian Adair with a red, yellow and green chip, and a patter theme which works well with the traffic signal colors.  Effect :- Three chips are displayed, one red, one yellow (amber) and one green, Magician states that Red is for stop, Yellow (amber) is for get ready and Green … Read more

Adair’s Jumping Rose

A great gag item from Ian Adair, this is a realistic long stemmed rose, that jumps up under performer’s command, much like the Rising Wand or Silver Sceptre effect. Have the rose jump as you offer it to a lady. Or have it jump, as you attempt to smell it, and hit you on the … Read more

Traffic Signal Rope

This is a simple but effective routine of the Monkey Bar variety, by Ian Adair, performed with a length of rope, (which you can carry in your pocket, yet use for a large audience), and which requires no skill other than a suitable presentation. In effect the magician displays a length of rope in three … Read more