Cups & Balls – Dlx Copper (Small)

cups and balls copper

The Cups and Balls are possibly the oldest surviving Magic effect, having been used by magicians over the centuries. Balls magically appear and vanish from under three cups, jump from under one cup to the other, change colors, or transform to onions, fruit, or even baby chicks. It is an effect you can perform for … Read more

Dancing Cane – Metal

Dancing cane

This is a classic magic effect, where the Magicians Cane becomes magically animated and dances with the performer to music. We have earlier stocked a wooden model of the item. This is a new light weight metal model. Have the cane swing from side, or have it go around your hands or body or just … Read more

Twinkling Magic Wand

A Magic Wand is as much part of the traditional Magician’s image as his Top Hat and Tail Coat, and audiences expect every magician to use one to make his magic happen. Most magicians do use a Wand, not just for the image, but because it can be an useful accessory for their subterfuges, or … Read more

Middle Diddle Silk

Performer displays a board divided in three, with a hole in each third. The two end sections are in different colors, while the center has a zebra striped pattern, allowing the audience to clearly identify the three sections.. A silk is passed through the hole in the end red section. The ends of the silk … Read more

Adair’s Crown Jewel

An excellent routine for children’s entertainers, conceived by Ian Adair,  the props for this comprise of a cut out crown with a large jewel, and a safe.  In the routine suggested by Ian, the crown is at first covered with a cloth or opaque silk. The performer states that the Queen owns a very valuable … Read more


The Devil Hanky is a very useful accessory, for vanishing any item, like a watch, coin, ring, … anything upto the size of a full deck of cards. It resembles an ordinary handkerchief. Gather the four corners, drop the item to be vanished inside, then whip open the hanky, and the item has vanished. You … Read more