Clock Dial Penetration – Improved

This is a very convincing penetration effect, of a pencil, silk etc., through a clear glass sheet. The performer displays a clear clock dial with a rotating clock hand. The hand is rotated freely as the performer demonstrates that the clear sheet on which the dial is printed is absolutely solid. The hand is then … Read more

Himber Wallet

Himber Wallet

The Himber Wallet is a change device for flat card and paper items, like currency notes or bills, playing or visiting cards, pay envelopes, paper slips and the like. Which is an understatement, like saying “The Rolls Royce is just an automobile” or “David Copperfield is just a magician”. The Himber wallet is far superior … Read more

Mystic Spinning Rings

A very mystifying visual effect. Two gold rings are given out for inspection. One is taken back an held between the forefingers and the other is rubbed against it. The second ring magically hangs on this. The performer then blows on the bottom ring making it spin in a mysterious manner. You are supplied with … Read more

Wiz Waz Wizard Hat

This is a very colorful “changing bag” conceived by Ian Adair and a useful addition to any children’s performer’s bag of special props.  Designed like a Wizard’s Hat, which the performer can wear, it can be used like a change bag, to vanish, produce, and change items like silks, balls, medallions, coins, spring flowers etc. … Read more

Flag Chameleon Streamer

A very good, easy, quick and highly visible effect where a black silk streamer shown freely all around and waved in the air changes into a Flag streamer. It can be worked in reverse too. Just a flick of the flag streamer in the air and the colors disappear in the wink of an eye, … Read more

Adair’s Confusin’ Cubes

Secured on a clear steel rod with stoppers at both ends are 3 nylon foam cubes, 2 yellow and 1 red  Magician explains that the cubes cannot come off either end of the rod because of the stoppers. He also explains that no matter which way the rod is held the red cube is always … Read more