Impression Card

Impression CardIf you like offbeat and entertaining card effects, you will like this.
Effect : Magician removes a deck of cards from its case. A spectator selects a card from this deck.
The selected card is mixed in the deck which is then returned to the case.
The magician now says that the spectator has to simply tap on the case and the selected card will penetrate the deck and case and fall out.
The spectator does so but the card does not fall out. This surprises the magician and he empties the case and gives the deck to the spectator to find his selected card. But the spectator cannot find his card in the deck.
The audience thinks that the card has vanished. But the magician surprises everyone when he discovers that the card has penetrated half the case, and become a printed impression on the back of the card case.
Remember – the case is shown clearly empty. The spectator himself goes through the deck and finds his selected card has vanished.
We supply a poker size regular deck, which you can also use for your other effects, and the gimmicked card case responsible for the vanish of the selected card with the impression printed at the back of the case, with photo illustrated instructions for performing this. You need to force the impression card by any method you choose.