Houdini Bolt Escape

Houdini Bolt Escape

A card (with a picture of the great Houdini) is locked inside a see cut-out frame with a nut and bolt. It is impossible for “Houdini” to escape without removing the bolt. The magician unbolts and takes out the card from the frame to show that this is the only way for the card to … Read more

Dice Squash

The Magician holds a dice in his hand, he then slaps his other hand hard down on top of it and reveals what looks to be a cartoon version of the dice flattened in between his hands.. this can then be handed out for examination. Includes: A Dice on a Reel, a Flat Dice and … Read more

Wonder Die Divination (FT)

A spectator places a die with a freely selected number of spots on top into an examined opaque container, which is closed with a tight press on lid. This is then placed into a second larger examined container which is also closed by the spectator. The spectator then concentrates on the number of spots on … Read more

Pocket Rabbit in Hat

pocket rabbit in hat

Effect : A Rabbit magically appear on a picture of a Hat. The magician shows a picture of a Hat. He says this was drawn by a magical artist, and is a magic picture. The other side of the picture is a magic wand. The performer makes a few magic gestures, and when the picture is … Read more

Six Bill Repeat

The performer displays six Fifty Dollar bills, – saying this is what he got paid for his last show. His wife believes in fifty-fifty, half of everything he has is hers! So she took half and spent it on a new dress ! The performer did some magic, and he still had six bills left. … Read more